Support to underprivileged students!
We have chosen to support Gokul Boarding Primary school, a place where underprivileged students, many of whom are orphaned or come from impoverished backgrounds, find not just education but also a home and a community. This remarkable school is in need of support for essential renovations, including painting indoor and outdoor areas, establishing a library with much-needed books, and providing clothing for the students.
Support to family in need!
Alongside above, we also wish to extend helping hands to a family in urgent need. We have recently become aware of a family in Ahmedabad, India, who are facing significant challenges. The family consists of a mother and her two children, aged 13 and 15. Tragically, they lost their father, and their mother is currently undergoing dialysis treatment every other day, leaving them in a precarious financial situation. They struggle to afford basic daily needs, let alone the education expenses for the children.